Physiotherapy and Kinesiology


¿What is Biambu?

Biambu is a health and care proposal that combines the latest progresses in physiotherapy and applied kinesiology with traditional methods such as traditional Chinese medicine.

Our aim is to identify the origin of your problem, determine the most effective treatment and offer a definite solution, saving time and money.

The quality of our services is guaranteed by our formal background and experience. Attention is personal, with the therapist getting to know each and every one of the patients. If you want to know more about the process, visit my blog HERE.

Our method involves the patients in their own therapy. They will be conscious of the process and evolution because for us, understanding the problem is the first step to solve it and avoid a relapse.


In Biambu we focus our physiotherapy treatments on manual therapy, accompanying it with specific local exercises or involving muscle chains


Kinesiology allows the body to ask through the muscle test what happens, why and what it needs to return to its balance, always trying to find the origin of the pathology and addressing the problem from its root


It is a complex system with thousands of years of practice and evolution that proposes a series of processes of classification, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathologies focusing in this way on the improvement of the patient’s quality of life

In Biambu we are committed to quality and personalized healthcare.

A different way of understanding your health.